1. And you may ask yourself, "Well... how did I get here?" (Tell us your journey?)
I was born in Texas, but I primarily grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio which is where I still live today. I graduated from Miami University in 2015 and have been working as a designer ever since then building things ranging from e-commerce sites to insure-tech SaaS apps.
My daughter was born in April 2021 and her coming into the world totally rocked what my relationship with work looked like. I’ve always sought to have my personal values align with the work I was doing, but felt that tenfold after I became a father. Not only did I want the work I was doing to be more meaningful to justify spending any time away from my daughter, but I wanted to make sure the work I was doing was somehow leaving the world a better place for her going forwards.
When I came across Persefoni, the alignment felt too perfect there to pass up.
2. And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. (What do you do at Persefoni?)
I’m a senior product designer here at Persefoni. Which means I design both the interface that users will be interacting with in the Persefoni application as well as the experiences and workflows users will be going through in the application. Luckily that means my day to day is never quite the same. So one day I may be spending the majority of it in a design tool building out the UI, and another I may be slinging stickies around on a whiteboard building out a user journey or doing user research.
My main goal is to design experiences that meet our users needs and look and feel fantastic to use.

3. And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go to?" (What are your hopes for your time at Persefoni?
I’m fortunate to have a fantastic design team to work amongst and it’s proven to be a fantastic environment for me to continue to sharpen my skills as a designer. Continuing to grow as a designer is always a hope with any job for me, but what I’m most hopeful about working at Persefoni is the impact our software will have for our customers and ultimately for the health of our planet.
The climate crisis is one of the biggest problems humanity has ever faced, so getting to design a tool that is moving the needle on enabling organizations to reduce their emissions is incredibly motivating.
4. And you may say to yourself, "My God! What have I done?" (Why is Persefoni a great home for you?)
As mentioned before, getting to grow as a designer while solving very important problems through software is about the best cross section I could ask for in my career right now. Persefoni is also an incredibly unique culture in that every coworker I have is at the absolute top of their game. That culture of excellence makes me proud to work here.
Persefoni is trailblazing into new territory in the software space. We’re truly solving problems that haven’t been solved in any way shape or form yet. It’s about as “Star Trek” as it gets for me as a designer.

5. And you may find yourself in another part of the world... (Tell us about your life/hobbies away from work?)
While most of my time away from work lately goes towards the absolute blast that is raising my eleven month old daughter, I’ve got a bunch of hobbies that I try and give some attention to when I get some time.
I love cycling and am hoping to participate in my first race this year. I’ve also had a lot of fun building out a gym in my basement during the pandemic to keep in shape. I love playing music, particularly on my keyboard and drumpad and I’m always happy to sneak a few minutes of gaming in when the baby is asleep.
“Once in a Lifetime" is a series of articles designed to help our customers and partners learn more about Persefoni's truly passionate team. We're not just building award-winning software ... together, we're helping to decarbonize our planet.