SEC Climate Disclosure: An Executive Primer
Readiness, Solutions, and Next Steps

Charting Your Next Steps

August 2, 2024
[Read Time]


In this lesson, we've covered actionable steps for preparing for the SEC Climate Disclosure Rule: assess your readiness, educate your teams, identify disclosure owners, and consider a carbon accounting solution like Persefoni. By following these steps, you can navigate the upcoming changes with confidence and be a leading voice in your organization's response to the new rules.

So, you’re now equipped with an executive familiarity of the upcoming SEC Climate Disclosure Rule.  What do you do next? Here are four actionable steps:

  1. Assess your readiness - Take our 10-question SEC Readiness Assessment to gain some personalized insight into where your company stands, and what still needs to be addressed.

  1. Educate your teams - Complying with the new climate rules does not fall on your shoulders alone. Leverage your new understanding to create a common language and raise internal awareness among your stakeholders about what lies ahead. Feel free to share content directly from this primer, or even direct your teams to go through it themselves.

  1. Identify disclosure owners and delegate - As the SEC finalizes the rule, take advantage of the lead time and set expectations with your teams about ownership and collaboration for each required disclosure. Use the next steps from the summary infographic as a guide.

  1. Learn more about a carbon accounting solution - Once you’ve taken the Readiness Assessment, consider a no-commitment meeting with a Persefoni Climate Expert who can discuss your carbon accounting needs.

Thank you for joining us as you get up to speed on the SEC Climate Rule. Even as daunting as a new set of financial disclosures can be, rest assured that you’re not alone, and that the knowledge you’ve absorbed in this course allows you the opportunity to be a leading voice at your company on this topic.

Kristina has some closing thoughts to share as you continue on your carbon journey:

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SEC Executive Primer
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