L'équipe Persefoni

Notre équipe mondiale est déterminée à avoir un impact positif sur la santé de la planète grâce à la technologie, afin que vous puissiez gérer votre carbone et entrer dans l'ère de la divulgation climatique en toute confiance.


Grâce à notre expertise combinée dans les domaines de la technologie, de la durabilité et de la finance, nous comprenons les défis en matière de gestion du climat et de reporting auxquels les entreprises sont confrontées aujourd'hui, car nous les avons également affrontés.
Kentaro Kawamori

Kentaro Kawamori

CEO & Co-Founder
Kentaro Kawamori is CEO & Co-Founder of Persefoni, a prominent Climate Software company. Persefoni's Climate Management & Accounting SaaS Platform is used by companies and financial institutions worldwide to account for, disclose, and manage their climate impact. Kentaro is a serial entrepreneur, his first venture-backed enterprise software business, Umbrage, was acquired by Bain & Co. in 2023. He was also an early-stage software investor at Rice Investment Group and held technical and executive roles at major technology firms, including serving as the Chief Data Officer at Chesapeake Energy. Kentaro has been honored with several awards for his exceptional work, including Forbes 30 Under 30, EY Entrepreneur of the Year, and SXSW Startup Competition.
Jason Offerman

Jason Offerman

Co-Founder, President & COO
Jason brings nearly three decades of deep operational, strategy, and engineering experience as the COO and Co-Founder of Persefoni. He led one of the most important operational technology rollouts in Energy sector history, and has overseen several early-stage technology venture deals as an Advisor with the Rice Investment Group. Jason also has material experience with ERP solutions and implementations.
Kim Stroh

Kim Stroh

Co-Founder, Chief Digital & Information Officer & Co-Founder
As a trained computer scientist and mathematician, Kim brings product development and architecture experience to bear as CDIO and Co-Founder at Persefoni. She has significant startup experience, including as a key product leader at one of the Records Management sector’s first SaaS vendors. Her background also includes a sophisticated understanding of enterprise systems, having spent a decade leading the development of proprietary applications at a Fortune 500 company.

Durabilité de Persefoni
Conseil consultatif

Les membres de notre conseil consultatif sont les plus grands experts en matière de climat, de durabilité et de divulgation, ayant fondé le CDP, le SASB et le TCFD.
A hillside covered in snow and a field of wind turbines