Calculate emissions from natural gas, vehicle usage (distance / fuel consumption), equipment fuel consumption, refrigerants, and industrial gasses at a given location.
Calculate emissions from electricity, heat & steam, and cooling consumed at a given location.
Calculate both upstream and downstream emissions within the value chain - including all 15 categories of scope 3.
Calculate emissions associated with investments and loans in other companies or projects under the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials guidance for financial institutions.
Track operational waste generation and water usage by location - including stream / withdrawal source, consumption, and disposal method / discharge destination, and hazardous waste generation.
Generate CSRD-compliant reports that align with the EU's disclosure requirements, leveraging standardized ESG data for transparency and consistency
Generate reports in alignment with the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), ensuring consistent, comparable, and reliable global disclosures.
Generate reports aligned with CDP's questionnaire, addressing critical topics like climate change, forests, and water security.
Generate reports detailing energy use and carbon emissions to comply with the UK’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) disclosure requirements.
Generate EDCI-aligned reports harmonizing ESG metrics across private equity portfolios, facilitating consistent benchmarking and data-driven decision-making.
Generate reports aligned with the Private Markets Decarbonization Roadmap (PMDR), detailing carbon footprints, decarbonization milestones, and progress across private market investments.
Establish organizational and operational boundaries, define calculation methodology, and emission factors to be applied in the inventory.
Intake activity data in a controlled manner for the purposes of calculating associated emissions.
Securely generate and respond to requests to / from external data providers - such as suppliers / customers and portfolio companies / investors.
Configure approval workflows for review / confirmation of data prior to writing to the carbon activity ledger; ensure higher confidence in data through AI-based anomaly detection of values outside of an expected range.
Frequency / time horizon of data transactions brought into the platform.
Emission Factor sets managed, maintained, and applied appropriately by calculation type.
Ability to structure & tag / track data according to the business, asset, and value chain entities that comprise the business operations - for improved data granularity and organizational insights.
Renforcez l'auditabilité grâce à la transparence de la norme comptable, de la méthode de calcul et du facteur d'émission pour chaque point de données d'activité.
Exportable & in-platform audit history reports for user / transaction activity, user logins, user role changes and more - including edits & deletions to data.
Obtain a comprehensive understanding of cradle-to-grave product-level carbon emissions to drive impact tracking and reporting by sustainability/ESG teams for product sustainability strategy and inform insights to drive operational decisions to implement decarbonization strategies across operations, manufacturing, and supply chain.
Model product (re)design decisions to empower R&D and product teams.
Visualize carbon footprint by scope, category, and emission source to identify key areas of emissions.
Visualize carbon footprint by supplier, logistics mode of transportation, product, and/or franchise for more granular value chain insights & hotspot identification.
Visualize carbon footprint, energy consumption, waste generation, and water usage by location - including location / market-based comparison to understand impact of energy use and opportunities to reduce.
Understand portfolio emissions at a fund and investment level - including common industry metrics such as WACI, Weighted Average Data Quality, and Emissions Intensities.
Downloadable emissions metrics by scope & category.
Recommandations de décarbonisation étayées par des données et modélisation de scénarios pour aider à réduire les émissions et à atteindre les objectifs climatiques.
Comparez votre empreinte carbone à celle des autres grâce aux données CDP agrégées de milliers d'entreprises.
Understand acute and chronic physical risk factors and potential financial impact based upon likelihood of weather and climate events.
Des guides de produits complets, des didacticiels vidéo et des cours complets animés par des experts.
Support technique GPT intégré à l'application pour la comptabilisation du carbone, disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7.
Assistance individuelle en direct pour répondre aux questions relatives à la mesure et à la divulgation des émissions.
Un expert du climat dédié pour répondre aux questions relatives à la mesure, à la divulgation ou à la décarbonisation.
Un responsable de la réussite client dédié à votre compte.
A Climate Solutions Expert facilitates a review of your inventory after each measurement cycle, focusing on inventory insights, recommendations for data and process improvements, and outlining the next steps in your climate journey.
Solution complète, « conçue pour vous », pour mesurer, divulguer et/ou réduire les émissions.
Collaborez avec un nombre illimité de collègues de votre entreprise dans Pro+ et Advanced.
Conforme aux normes SOC 1 type II, SOC 2 type II et ISO 27001/ISO 27017.
Activez l'authentification unique sécurisée pour votre compte.
Activez l'authentification multifacteur sécurisée pour votre compte.
Protégez l'accès à votre compte en n'autorisant que les adresses IP fiables.