On the Move: Anne Reaney “On CO2 Costs”

"One of my first aha moments of realizing the link right between travel carbon and the future the planet is looking at the trajectory of the aviation industry the birth of Chief short-haul travel in the 1960s. I mean if you look at where the hockey stick really takes off terms of global carbon emissions. It's a very dry correlation there Mass short-haul travel. Which we've all benefited from but the carbon cost has been enormous. It just goes back to that topic of the true cost of doing business, right the externalities associated with the carbon created through those flights. It's never taking into account in the price of a flight ticket. We're not paying the full of the goods and services that we can see. And that's the right sizing that I think we're starting to see now.

"One of my first aha moments of realizing the link right between travel carbon and the future the planet is looking at the trajectory of the aviation industry the birth of Chief short-haul travel in the 1960s. I mean if you look at where the hockey stick really takes off terms of global carbon emissions. It's a very dry correlation there Mass short-haul travel. Which we've all benefited from but the carbon cost has been enormous. It just goes back to that topic of the true cost of doing business, right the externalities associated with the carbon created through those flights. It's never taking into account in the price of a flight ticket. We're not paying the full of the goods and services that we can see. And that's the right sizing that I think we're starting to see now.

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