Climate Risk is the Uniting Call of Our Time

We’re building products that remove the most complex obstacles to carbon management, empowering a new era of business, financial, and government leaders to align on carbon and climate analytics.

Turning climate risk into climate action

It all started with a simple idea that evolved into a robust platform. We believed carbon disclosure should be as easy, transparent, and manageable as financial disclosure.

Merging technical expertise with seasoned climate industry experience, we built Persefoni as a simple yet powerful platform. We know global decarbonization won’t happen overnight, but with technology purpose-built to solve the most complex carbon management problems, we’ll help shorten the journey for everyone.

A black and white photo of the Fearless Girl statue on Wall Street in NY

Our Operating Principles


Deliver Customer Results

We start with the customer and work backwards. We work tirelessly to earn and keep customer trust. We deliver results for our customers on a frequent and impactful scale. We build solutions they need now and ones they may not even know they’ll need in the future.

Insist on Excellence

Excellence for us is achieving the best possible results with the best possible quality, knowing the mix will differ by objective. We achieve excellence in everything we do by seeking continuous improvement and get there with open and high-quality feedback. We never let fear, egos, or politics get in the way of providing timely, thoughtful and meaningful feedback.

Have Bias for Action & Move Fast

Speed matters in business. Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study. We value calculated risk taking. As a result of these beliefs, we fail regularly but productively. When we inevitably fail, we spend no time dwelling on it but maintain a growth mindset and focus on lessons learned to adapt.

Act & Invest Like an Owner

You are a part-owner of this company. We act on behalf of the entire company, not just our own team’s interests. We think long-term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. That means we invest responsibly into the future of our company and are always looking to invest judiciously into the right tools, people, and opportunities, toward our mission.

Our Core Values


We are committed to sustainable business practices across our entire operation and culture. We go beyond achieving balance. We are a net-positive contributor to the environment, our employee’s lives, and the global community.


We are always aligned in our goals and efforts to create the most impactful technologies possible. Constant cooperation across our company, customers and partners is our standard mode of operating.


We are focused on and passionate about tackling the biggest and hardest problems that will have the greatest impact. We create significant, not incremental solutions.


We value and respect people and organizations of all backgrounds. Ours is a culture of innovation, creativity, diversity and inclusion.

The Benefits of Joining Persefoni

Open Positions at Persefoni

We look for the best and brightest to join us as we help organizations across the world decarbonize.

Employee Spotlights

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