Persefoni for Business

Build your carbon footprint with transparency, accuracy, and controls.

Complete Scope 1, 2, and 3 calculation coverage in alignment with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Built for regulatory reporting with advanced audit and assurance capabilities.
Enterprise-grade security. SOC I & II certified.
Meet assurance requirements with a robust carbon accounting system that provides detailed activity and usage data, not just spend-based estimates.

Your single source of truth for carbon footprint data.

Experience unprecedented transparency and confidence in your carbon footprint. Persefoni's Footprint Ledger lets you manage your emissions data with the same accuracy, granularity, and control as your financial data.
Coming soon to Pro
Activity & audit logs.
Access complete data logs to track when data is added, modified, and deleted, plus which user made the change.
Coming soon to Pro
Calculation transparency.
View accounting frameworks, calculation formulas, conversion factors, emission factors, and Global Warming Potential on a per-calculation level.
Carbon footprint analytics.
Gain deep insights into your footprint’s hot spots and view trends by emissions scope and category at any level of your organization.
Pre-built data integrations.
Connect your business applications to Persefoni to streamline emission data collection.
Coming soon to Advanced
Advanced data controls.
Lock reporting periods and approve data before it’s merged into your Footprint Ledger.
Coming soon to Advanced
Advanced permissions.
Create custom user permission groups to control who can view and edit data within your organization.
Trusted by the world’s leading brands.
See why Forrester calls Persefoni a leader in carbon accounting and sustainability management software.