
At Home unlocks emissions insights by bringing carbon accounting in-house with Persefoni

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Watch Strength in Numbers: At Home


years of emissions data calculated across 272 facilities


data points (approximately) converted into CO2e emissions



of At Home’s footprint (approximately), accounting for the most material footprint sources, calculated for the first time

Increasing footprint accuracy and completeness

At Home is a leading home decor retailer with hundreds of locations and nearly 9,000 employees across the United States. With an average of 45,000 items in each store, At Home’s mission is to enable everyone to make their house a home. At Home views ESG as a fundamental business strategy that can be a brand differentiator. To execute their ESG Roadmap, At Home's initial focus for environmental sustainability has been on:

  • Improving data collection accuracy and completeness.
  • Strengthening internal control mechanisms.

These initiatives will enable At Home to enhance the integrity and reliability of their GHG data and gain a deeper understanding of their emissions. These insights will inform key reduction actions, like conducting store energy audits, and enable At Home to set their first internal carbon reduction targets.

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Persefoni has enabled us to bring together an overwhelming amount of data in a way that helps us understand what information is available and where we have opportunities to improve. While we could have done this data exercise without investing in Persefoni, I don’t recommend it because it lays the data foundation we need to accelerate our sustainability goals with finite resources and bandwidth. There are so many moving pieces that without a platform like Persefoni, we would just have numbers without reference points or insights.
Gaby Morris
Sr. Director, Corporate Sustainability and Compliance

Taking ownership of emissions data

The Persefoni platform enabled At Home to have visibility, actionable insights, and accountability over its carbon footprint. In taking ownership of their carbon data, At Home is able to create a more consistent and repeatable carbon accounting process, expand their footprint calculation to include material product emissions (scope 3 categories 1, 11, and 12), and free up time and resources to focus on operationalizing other strategic ESG initiatives across its value chain.

At Home selected Persefoni to improve data controls and create a single source of truth for carbon emission data. Achieving this means At Home can enhance reporting accuracy and consistency, provide enhanced disclosures and visibility to all stakeholders, and gain a deeper understanding of their emissions to set their first reduction targets.

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I’ve experienced the data collection process pre- and post-Persefoni, and the contrast in efficiency is off the charts. We can now focus on our initiatives versus spending our time and energy collecting data and calculating our footprint. Another big opportunity we’ve seen is being able to use Persefoni to enhance the integrity and reliability of our data, which wasn’t possible when we were working out of spreadsheets.
Prescilla Elias
Corporate Counsel

Feeling empowered and confident

In partnering with Persefoni, At Home successfully brought their carbon accounting process in-house, enabling them to efficiently track and report on their sustainability goals and respond to investor and other stakeholder requests. By calculating an expanded footprint in 2023 that encompasses material product emissions and incorporating their 2022 emissions for comparison, the At Home team now feels empowered to further enhance data collection methods. This work positions them better to meet future regulatory requirements and has provided unparalleled insights into the products that have the most significant impacts on their carbon footprint.

Future collaboration with Persefoni will enable At Home to achieve increased granularity in their product-level emissions, providing valuable insights into actionable Scope 3 decarbonization efforts. Additionally, having all of their emissions data enables At Home to set their first carbon reduction target and expand their climate risk assessment.

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The value of Persefoni extends beyond the ESG team and empowers us to work more cross-functionally to achieve our sustainability goals. We’re better business partners because we have a streamlined, user-friendly tool to collect data from across the organization and those stakeholders can easily see where that data is being used–creating a positive feedback loop. With all of this data centralized into the platform, our team is able to progress against goals like setting our first carbon reduction targets, engaging more directly with our product manufacturers, and expanding our climate risk assessment. From there, we can easily and consistently show the business value of sustainability back to the organization and to our executive leadership team.
Meredith Hampton
VP Compliance Officer & Associate General Counsel

Turning Emissions Data into Action

Excerpt from At Home’s 2023 ESG Report: “As part of the transition of migrating our data and calculations into the Persefoni platform, At Home was able to improve its data accuracy for prior years and restate its actual emissions. (...) Our ongoing commitment to sustainability and emissions reduction drives our actions as we strive to build a more sustainable future for At Home and the communities we serve. By expanding the scope of our GHG inventory and embracing a proactive approach to data collection, we will be in position to make informed decisions and drive impactful change.”

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Built for Climate Disclosure

See the Persefoni platform for carbon accounting and climate disclosure in action.