
Bain & Company

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The push to net-zero demands a paradigm shift. Companies that have felt constrained by a focus on compliance rather than value, approximations rather than auditable numbers, and annual assessments rather than real-time monitoring now have a powerful new option.

As the leading climate management and accounting platform, we address those and many other limitations, enabling you to accelerate your carbon transitions, guided by a detailed analysis of your emissions footprint.

Bain & Company’s expertise in carbon transitions and corporate strategy, and its deep understanding of the factors that determine investors’ priorities, combined with Persefoni’s powerful carbon accounting platform will enable you to pursue your net-zero strategy guided by detailed, trackable data, ensuring that your actions produce real impact and unlock value.

This partnership will enable all of our clients, from investors to financial institutions to corporates, to manage their carbon inventory with the same rigor and transparency they expect from their financial metrics. Together we can help you with:

Portfolio Decarbonization Roadmap:

  • Determine the overall portfolio carbon footprint and intensity
  • Conduct a carbon process maturity assessment and track progress against an updateable baseline
  • Prioritize portfolio companies for decarbonization and create a mobilization plan

Carbon Diligence:

  • Determine the highest emitting activities across the target’s business and value-chain
  • Benchmark the decarbonization performance and ambitions of peers
  • Determine the industry risks & opportunities (customer trends, regulations, new technologies, and more)
  • Identify priority decarbonization actions and estimate the resulting value creation potential

Carbon Value Creation Plan:

  • Determine an updateable baseline and achieve full transparency on your carbon footprint
  • Create a detailed roadmap for decarbonization, including priority actions and estimated value unlock
  • Identify the enablers that will help you put your plan into action
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This strategic partnership helps our clients to make the 'invisible visible' by turning financial, operational and supply chain data into auditable carbon footprint data. In addition, we are building digital products together with Persefoni bringing the very best from management consulting and SaaS to our clients in order to turbocharge decarbonization.
Torsten Lichtenau
Partner and Global Head of Bain & Company's Carbon Transition Impact Area
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Konzipiert für die Offenlegung von Klimadaten

Erleben Sie die Persefoni-Plattform für CO2-Bilanzierung und Klimaoffenlegung in Aktion.