Benchmarking Sustainability Reporting 2024

Benchmarking Sustainability Reporting 2024

FEI Financial Executives Foundation

Introducing the Benchmarking Sustainability Reporting 2024 study, a collaboration between the Financial Education & Research Foundation (FERF) and Persefoni to to help finance teams benchmark their sustainability efforts to those of their peers. This report also provides practical insights from leading sustainability reporting experts and finance professionals directing some of the largest finance teams globally on their climate reporting journey.

Key highlights from the report include:

  • Over 90% of companies plan to increase reporting emphasis on SEC's final climate rule.
  • Nearly 90% intend to enhance reporting efforts under the EU's CSRD and California's climate legislation.
  • 59% are integrating carbon data more extensively into risk management reporting.
  • 53% are expanding their Scope 3 reporting to include new categories.
  • Explore how organizations are adapting to regulatory shifts and enhancing sustainability reporting practices to meet demands from investors, regulatory bodies, and other stakeholders.

    Access the full report

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