Carbon Disclosure Mandates Are Coming

Carbon Disclosure Mandates Are Coming

Carbon disclosure mandates are coming. As of April 2022, Japan's Financial Services Agency's mandate went into effect. Not to be outdone, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission released its proposal for TCFD-aligned carbon disclosure mandates this March. The e-book below is the first in a series that will provide expert advice on how you can prepare for these mandates. Set your company up for success with help from Persefoni's industry-leading experts.

In this eBook, you’ll learn:
  • The how, what, where, and why of carbon disclosure mandates
  • The standards and guidelines you’ll have to be aware of when making disclosures
  • How to start preparing for mandates with modern tools and tech

Disclaimer: This paper was published on April 2022, and the regulatory landscape has evolved considerably since then. Please refer to our Climate Policy Library for the latest on climate reporting standards and frameworks.

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